Eastern Berks Joint Comprehensive Plan Community Survey
Please visit bit.ly/EBJCP to complete the Eastern Berks Joint Comprehensive Plan Community Survey
Please visit bit.ly/EBJCP to complete the Eastern Berks Joint Comprehensive Plan Community Survey
Please note that the Borough of Topton’s Newsletter for July 2024, which was included with the water and sewer invoices mailed in July, had incorrect information on page 2. Under Quality of Life, if there is grass or weeds between the curb and the street, they are the Borough’s responsibility and NOT the resident’s/property owner’s […]
We would like to inform our residents that as of this morning, JULY 29, 2024, the strike by the Borough’s employees has temporarily ended. While we have not received a response to our latest offer, we anticipate both sides will head in the right direction with this latest development. We realize this is not moving […]
The Borough of Topton will offer chipping April through September on the last Tuesday of each month. Please leave branches and shrubs no thicker than 8″ in diameter curbside no earlier than the weekend prior to the last Tuesday of the month. The mulch will be available to residents on a first come first serve […]
WAYS TO PAY… 1) Pay online at toptonborough.com (There is a $4.75 fee to pay online with a card) 2) Pay at the office with cash, check or card (Visa, MC, Discover or debit). 3) Pay with a check in the drop box in the office door or by mail. PAYMENT PLANS Residents interested in […]
Please complete the form at the link below if you observe a property in our borough that is out of compliance with Ordinance 3-2021, 8-2021, and 1-2023. Violations that fall under these ordinances include snow and ice on sidewalks, weeds and grass over 10 inches tall, having more than one unregistered car on a property, […]
Council passed Ordinance 3-2023, Resolution 14-2023, Resolution 13-2023, Resolution 24-2022 and Resolution 13-2021 which address water/sewer bills, 48-hour posting fees and delinquency consequences with payment plans.
Brandywine Heights Area Hometown Heroes project is searching for applicants and participants to be featured on commemorative banners which will be displayed on telephone poles. The banners are intended to honor the members of our community who have served, and in turn, benefit our community. To submit an application for a banner, please fill out […]
Do you have security cameras on your house? Residential security footage can be extremely useful to local police departments for things such as catching criminals, auto accident information, and things of that sort. To learn more about the program and to register your cameras, visit the link below. If you need assistance filling out the […]
Please help us update your contact information! Follow the link below or scan the QR code to fill out our form. Please enter all the required information, especially a phone number and email address if you have one. Right now, this form is just for residents who utilize our water and sewer services! If you […]
Mo, Tu, Th, Fr: 8am – 4pm, Wed 8am – 12pm
Drop us a line anytime!
Topton, PA 19562