The Borough of Topton allows it’s residents to choose their own hauler for garbage and recycling services from the approved list of haulers below. However, the Borough is a mandated recycling community per Ordinance 6-2014. All residents are required to recycle and to have a hauler from the below list who offers curb side recycling. If you would like to use a hauler that is not listed below please have the hauler contact the Borough Office at 610-682-2541 to register.
All commercial establishments must contract with a licensed private hauler to collect waste and recyclables separately from their business. All commercial property owners must complete a recycling report and return to the Borough office which shall indicate where the property’s recyclables were delivered to and by what hauler. This report must include the type and amount of recyclables.
Items that are required to be recycled
Aluminum, Steel and Metal Cans
Glass (clear, brown or green)
Plastics (PETE and HDPE)
High Grade Office Paper
Approved haulers for the Borough of Topton
Leck – 215-675-8000
Hollenbaugh’s Trash & Recycling – 610-562-7986
Waste Management – 800-869-5566
As of 1/1/2023, WM is no longer accepting new residential clients
Diamond Disposal – 610-845-1117
Randy’s Trash – 484-926-6500
GFL – 518-304-5000
Responsible Recycling
805 Tomahawk Drive
Kutztown, PA 19530
(484) 641-5156
drop off times Monday – Thursday 8am – 2:30pm and Friday 8am – 12pm
Berks County Recycling Center
1316 Hilltop Road
Leesport, PA 19533
(610) 478-6362
Open daily from 8am – dusk