Message from Council

We would like to inform our residents that as of this morning, JULY 29, 2024, the strike by the Borough’s employees has temporarily ended.  While we have not received a response to our latest offer, we anticipate both sides will head in the right direction with this latest development.  We realize this is not moving as fast as everyone would like, including us, but we must be mindful not to spend money we do not have.  Topton is a very small community with limited funds. We are not a for profit business that makes money. All funds come from you, the residents, in multiple forms including but not limited to taxes, fees, water, and sewer rents etc.  We must remain good stewards of your tax dollars. We intend to have specific numbers detailing the impact of wages and benefits on our budget available at our next regularly scheduled meeting on August 12, 2024.  In the meantime, our budget is always available on our website at We will keep you posted.